Do you have Guiding Principles to help you make decisions? Whether for personal or business what drives you to a plan of action?
We all have values and beliefs that drive our actions, whether we acknowledge them or not. Our history, the family we were raised in, the country we were born in, the neighbourhood we grew up in, the schools we attended, the college or university we continued our education, our first job all play a significant role in shaping our decisions throughout our life.
But can we change our decision-making ability? Can we choose a different path in life?
Notion Life Design
In early 2019 I listened to a podcast about new apps available – seems like a long time ago but I can report my love for new apps has not diminished! But the app I signed up with back then was a new productivity tool called Notion – Anything to help me organise my world had to be a benefit!
Naturally, I then turned to YouTube for advice on how to use it and implement Notion into my daily work and life. I found August Bradley in early 2020 just in time for COVID-19 lockdowns where I found I had a bit more time on my hands – so I caught up on ALL his videos on Notion Life Design. I loved his system so much I signed up to his training program and implemented the framework and templates. In 2021 he offered a second course and I offered to help mentor others on their Notion Life Design journey.
I’ve adjusted my own Life Design System a couple of times over the last few years and I realised I hadn’t been using it as a system to help me make decisions, but rather to simply store information. So was it truly helping me increase my productivity?
Guiding Principles
Whilst we all have in-built or bred values and beliefs, I believe we can and do adjust those during our lives. But rather than letting life happen to us, I’m favour of creating Guiding Principles to steer my life in the direction I choose – to achieve my vision for my life.
I have Guiding Principles focussed on my health, my career, my family, my faith, my travel – how I want to live my life. These principles lead to goals which are written down in Notion with actions I need to do to help me achieve the outcomes.
🏡 One of my principles is to keep my family unit strong, together. That led to us purchasing a house where we could all be together, including my mum!
🏋️♀️ Another principle is to be healthier in my second half of life than I was in the first. So I set a goal to lose 30 kilos – which I achieved during the lockdown thanks to home cooking and regular walks. The weights have just been added this year!
💻 Professionally I want to use my skills, abilities and years of learning towards helping others achieve their dreams and goals faster than I have! Hence this blog and the website and my current day-job!
Straying from the Path
So why did I sign up to become a Thermomix Consultant during the lockdown?
In March 2021 I turned 50 and was gifted a Thermomix and I loved it so much I thought everyone should have one – so I signed up.
But I didn’t check my guiding principles first.
- Was selling Thermomix or hosting classes on my project list?
- Was it on my goals list?
- Did it fit with my career aspirations, my family goals or my travel plans?
The answer to all these questions is NO. The only principle it aligned with was my health goal because I was able to create some fabulously healthy recipes and eat better than I had in a long time. The machine helped me lose weight – but selling it to others did not fit the plan!
I confess, I have shiny object syndrome – I see something new and fun and I want to be part of it!
Shiny object syndrome is when someone focuses all their attention on something new and current. Usually, this is at the expense of whatever they have or currently doing. In a business setting, shiny object syndrome takes the form of chasing the latest strategy, tactic, or advice making the rounds within the industry.
This is exactly why I need a system! To keep me in check and stop me chasing squirrels 🐿️
So after 6 months I gave up being a Thermomix Consultant (after I bought up all the cooking supplies one could ever need – and probably never use!)
Re-Focus and Re-Launch
Whilst I did achieve my health goal, I now look back and wish I’d put that time into a podcast! That remains on my project list – check back in a few months and see if I’ve made progress!
I’ve reviewed my goals and my guiding principles and they haven’t changed. I plan to continue focussing on helping small business owners and professionals achieve their dreams and aspirations.
My company, the Unique Leaders Network, was started in 2009 because of my passion to see others thrive and not work as hard as I feel I had to get where I am today. I still come across so many leaders who are struggling on their own and apologising for their unique approach. I want to see uniqueness embraced!
I’m looking forward to relaunching the Network in 2024 and offering support and encouragement to those looking for connection and escaping the box society and our culture tries to contain us in.
Guiding Principles for Business and Life
You can take control of your life. We all need to have clear principles that guide our decision making, both personally and professionally. If you’re looking for a system to help you redesign your life or need helping implementing principles and goals to help you on the path of your choosing then please reach out and schedule a call with me!
Share your thoughts here and if you’re bold enough, your life principles
- What has helped shape your direction in life and your decision making?
- Are you using a system to help guide you?
- If you’ve strayed, like I often do, how do you get back on the path and refocus?